Thursday 8 January 2009

Main Task Entry 2

Our idea has now developed more and we have a story board and a script. Sadly though it has no title yet, we’re still thinking and debating about it.
We’ve developed the plot, for the opening sequence, and know roughly if we made the film into feature length what the plot would be. I’ll summarise it even more for you;
The ‘new’ main character (Kayleigh) tries to escape from the house, but with hilarious consequences- similar to ‘Scary Movie’ series. In the end she ends up dying, but not after her friends have all been killed, and she herself accidently killed one of them. Then the killer skips off into the distance, and shortly hit by a car. There are no phony American accents in this movie, but there are lot of rubber ducks!
We’ve got our filming location (Lucy’s house) and actors sorted out (Lucy, Kayleigh, Rachel, Natalie, Katherine, Josh, Lucy’s parents/lee’s mum and little brother), but the problem now is finding a time when everyone is free as we all work.
This film is prominently based on other spoof movies, but our real inspiration is- as I’ve mentioned above Scary Movie. We’ve also looked on the computer at other opening sequences of films and students, and from that we think that our title will be at the end of sequence and the actors names will be running during the opening shots.
We’ve decided to do something that we feel will be quite challenging, if you look at shot numbers 1 to 5, you can see that the location has changed, and then in shot 12 we go back to the bedroom. Well during these takes we want to have diegetic music running playing, and in scene 12 as well. This is to try and show that what happening downstairs is happening at the same time as what happening upstairs, so no time has moved on.
So all we need to do now is film, edit, and evaluate!

These are the story boards- the first 3 are mine and the othre 2 are Lee's:

1 comment:

  1. Hello Emma
    Again, you are clearly reflecting upon the production process. Hopefully all your research and planning will pay off.
    Mrs M
