Thursday 8 January 2009

Main Task Entry 1

So far, my partner and I have had a lot of contrasting views and opinions of genre and story lines. Also we have the problem of thinking too big- Hollywood style. The first idea we came up with was a horror film, so set on the idea we started looking on the internet for appropriate music. But next lesson our feelings had changed and we no longer wanted to do that genre, on the reason of producing a scary opening would be too hard and out of our league. I then wanted to do a comedy, whereas he was set on a hero movie; I agreed to give it a chance, but then we changed our minds again to a action movie, but this for obvious reasons was going to be very difficult, so I demanded that we do something else and finally we settled on a horror spoof. This time was adamant we were NOT going to change AGAIN.
So far we haven’t developed a story board yet, but we know for what age group we are aiming at- Teenagers over the age of 15. Horror spoofs attract more teenage girls than boys, but by having an all female cast, we are hoping that this will attract the male teenagers too. We also have a rough idea as to what will happen throughout the whole film; a group of girls are at a sleepover where the main character for the opening sequence is killed by a killer out for revenge for being dumb, with a passion for rubber ducks.
I think that if any media convention was to produce our film it would be for cinemas as it could appeal to anyone over the age of 15, but our target audience are a large force of the population, and often go to the cinema with friends, so I think it would be wise to produce it for cinema watching.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Emma
    You have demonstrated the early stages of your research and attempts at planning! Hopefully now that you have sorted out the genre and story you can get going properly.
    Mrs M
