Thursday 22 January 2009


After a gruelling 5 or so weeks I have produced an opening to a horror spoof film. I have used methods such as credits shown over the beginning scenes and music over companies’ names (which i have invented) that have produced the film; this, from all my research is what most films of this genre do.
My opening shows a friendship group, which is a representation of a social group in society, which the killer feels exclude from, this then if it was developed into a feature length film for the distribution to cinemas, would then show a bigger network of social groups, such as stereotypes of certain characters and the struggles of friendship and maintaining it. The audience at which my film is aimed at it for the certificate of 12A, this is because I feel they are easier to please, and it increases the range of the viewing audience, as older teens can watch it, whilst if it was a certificate 15, people over 12 wouldn't be able to watch it. I feel that my film will attack both male and female, as the main characters- if the film was carried on- would be all female. This would attract the male teens for obvious reasons, and females could relate/sympathise with the characters.
By doing a preliminary task before this, i think was a great help. Trying out match on action shots first really helped me in doing this task. i think i would have been able to do this film opening if i hadn't of done the prelim, but i think it would have been harder and taken me longer. Also by doing the prelim, it gave me a feel of the editing software, though this wasn't of much use to me this time, as i used a different one.
The music is credited to "Music: Kevin MacLeod".
I am not too sure as to whether i am totally happy with the music, i was going to have two tracks playing, one that was sinister and one that was humorous, but i couldn't find any humorous music that could blend in with the sinister track i had already chosen. So I'm not as happy as i could be with the finished product music wise.
Another thing I'm not to keen on, is the last 3 shots (not the black screens with screaming and the tile on), i feel that the continuity isn't up to standard; but try as i might i could not get the shots to flow as naturally as i wanted them to.
But apart from that i am overall happy with my final piece, not ecstatic, but satisfied.

1 comment:

  1. Foundation Portfolio Results:

    Research and Planning
    There is proficient evidence of research into similar films and a potential target audience and your reflections upon the production process explain the genre and narrative of your opening sequence. You have shown the organisation of actors and locations for your filming and of the filming and editing process. Your prep work on the script, treatment and storyboard shows excellent understanding of film production and you have evidenced the storyboard in your blog. Your time management was good. You have shown excellent use of ICT and digital technology in your blog to present your work and effectively communicate your ideas.
    15 marks

    You have shown excellent evidence of your ability to be creative in using a steady shot, in framing shots to include and exclude elements, for example in the sequence fro top to the bottom of the stairs and the front door, and in using a variety of shot distances where appropriate to create humour and suspense in your narrative. Your shooting material and selection of mise-en-scene, including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting is appropriate to the opening of a teen spoof horror film. Your editing is excellent in creating meaning for the viewer by using varied shot transitions and match on action as in the example above. The use of sound with the images and editing shows proficient skill, together with the selection of appropriate titles, which contribute to the overall effect.
    47 marks

    You show proficient understanding of the forms and conventions of continuity editing used in your prelim and main task and in the role and use of new media in the various stages of your production. You have reflectively addressed the key questions to demonstrate the thinking behind your production, though audience feedback post-production would have helped you demonstrate more clearly the success of your product. The presentation of your evaluation makes effective use of digital technology and ICT, through which you have shown proficient ability to communicate your ideas.
    12 marks

    Total: 74 L3 B
