Thursday 22 January 2009

Main Entry 3

At this late stage in the task, we still hadn’t filmed and time was running out. So lee and I came to an agreement that would show our skills more, and enable us to go our separate ways in production. We decided that the story board we had already produced would be the rough outline of the productions we were going to do on our own; but also at the same time it would show our ability to work together. For our individual pieces we determined these would show our personal preferences to how we would develop or change the production we can up with together.
I have now filmed, edited all the shots together, and produced my own story board, script and treatment sheet. But I still need to find some copy right free music that I can put in my film opening.
The age my feature length film would be aimed at if it was to be produced globally has changed from the original 15 certificate to a 12A certificate. This is because I feel that it would be more appropriate for the ideas of the full length film in my head, it’s more for younger teens than older ones.
The location of my film changed from Lucy’s house to Katherine’s, this was because her house was closer and more accessible to get to from college. The number of characters also changed from six actors to two, this was on the grounds that time was of the essence and these were the only two people I could find at such short notice, and also I felt that such a group of people in the opening scene of the joint production wasn’t necessary, as only one of them would have featured in the entire opening production, so the others weren’t compulsory. However the notion of one girl didn’t fit in with the theme of a sleepover, so there had to be two, this then lead to the problem of only having two actors. So Katherine agreed to play both Lucy’s friend and the killer.
I wasn’t quite sure what the Killer should wear, it had to be wacky and funny whist also concealing the killer’s identity. After a fashionably long time I found what I thought was the right outfit, and so proceed the filming.
I decided to use my computer at home to do the editing on, rather than the college’s equipment as I find it easier.
My opening sequence proceeding to a feature length film has now received its name. I spent a long time contemplating what to call it, but when I heard what Lee had called his, I thought to keep with the idea that our films were still linked and had sprouted from the same story board I’d call mine the opposite of what he called his ‘Dropout’, hence mine having the title ‘Drop In’. The title still has relevance to my film though, as the killer ‘drops in’ to see the people he is going to kill, then advances to kill them.
The outline of the plot for my production is similar to that of the joint one;
The killer is a girl who received low grades in her GCSE’s and grows insanely jealous of her friends who she believes will excel in life due to their college education, while she will amount to nothing as she didn’t receive high enough grades to peruse her dreams of becoming a Lawyer. So with her aspirations crushed she sets out to stop her friends from doing well in life by killing them. But as she is dim and not very skilled, her attempts of murder are unskilled leading to hilarious consequences!
My opening only lasts for 1minute 30seconds rather than two minutes; this is because I felt it was good enough as it was. I also didn’t want to add any more after the lights go out, because that would then spoil the surprise of the girl not being dead, rather she is just afraid of the dark.

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