Friday 23 January 2009

Film Script

Killer- Katherine Poll
Lucy-Lucy Marshall
Kat- Katherine Poll

Scene 1
(Lucy and Kat are sitting on Lucy’s bed)
- You know that guy there he looked exactly like Robert Pattinson
Lucy- He did, before the hair cut
Kat- the hair cut was bad
(Lucy cuts in)
Lucy-yes the hair cur was bad. Ooh, when I when to see it, I got a new skirt form river island...
Kat- ooh
(Lucy and Kat talk at the same time)
it’s all ripples and purple
Kat-I love River Island

Lucy- I know...
Kat-Hang on I hear someone coming up the gravel
Lucy- oh, I’ll go and get the door

(Lucy gets off the bed and starts walking out the door, whilst replying to Kat)
Kat- oh, ok................get some snacks......
Lucy-ok, I’ll get some food
Kat-feed me!

Scene 2
(Knocking on front door)
I’m here for the party
Lucy-ok, (enthusiastically) well I’m just heading to the kitchen for some snacks, do you want to come and get something?
Lucy-come on then

Scene 3
(Killer is inside the house)
(Lucy picks up the wand and hands it back to the killer)
so where are you from?
Killer- far far away
Lucy- ah, not from around here

Scene 4
(Lucy has got a tray with random food stuffs on it)
enreekay, I’m going upstairs now, enreekay? He’s eaten all the grapes! Hum.

Scene 5
(Lucy drops the tray)


Scene 6
(Lights flicker on and off)

Lucy-Golly gosh and jumping jahovers! What is happening?! Kat?! Enreekay?! ANYONE!?

Scene 7
(Lights go out)


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