Friday 2 October 2009

Music promotion planning

Date: 22.9.2009

Music promotion planning;
Choosing our group was the first thing to do.
Of the two members I chose, one I have worked with before; but not successfully. I hope this time we can overcome our differences and work effectively as a team.
Our brief is: A promotion package for the release of an album, to include a music promo video, together with two of the following three options:
- A website homepage for the band
- A cover for its release as part of a digipak (CD/DVD package)
- A magazine advertisement for the digipak (CD/DVD package)
Today we had to research local unsigned bands that produced their own songs. This didn’t go to well if I’m honest.
As I am not a big music fan, I had no prior knowledge of local bands unlike some of the other groups, which meant we had more ground work to do to catch up.
We started our research by going on the Internet and searching in Google for websites that would lead us to bands in Norfolk. Once we had found a sufficient page we had the task of looking through all the bands listed, to find the right song genre played by a group we liked the name of. When we had found one, we tried to access their website, but the school had blocked it. In addition we couldn’t get to listen to their songs as MySpace is blocked also. We tried to resolve this issue by the two other members of the group, when they got home, were to look up the songs then (as I don’t have Internet access at home).

1 comment:

  1. Hello Emma
    An honest first post for your portfolio. Maintain a reflective approach to your research and planning to show how you are developing a a media practitioner.
    Mrs M
