Friday 2 October 2009


Today’s lesson was to continue researching bands, or if you already had one compose an email to send to them.
Today was quite unproductive.
We finally found a band that we liked. The only problem was we didn’t know who to contact. Another group member told us about the band, but that they had broken up. This fact wasn’t a problem. But still, the contact details that we given, the name of the band and the name of the song didn’t match up. So we spent most of the lesson searching the internet trying to find out who the song was by, and how we could contact them. We got no result.
But on the upside, we have now got a song. It’s called ‘Nothing to Show’.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Emma
    Research and planning in the early stages can be very frustrating but keep at it!
    Mrs M
