Friday 2 October 2009


Today we worked on out pitches.
We wrote an email to .......................... the band’s song we have chosen to use;

Hi there (:

For our A Level Media project this year, we have to produce a promotional 'pack' for a local band. A part of this project requires us to film a music video for one of the band's songs. On top of this we'll be creating a possible CD cover/website homepage/magazine advertisement. Shaun (Cuthill) recommended you as a possible lead and we heard one of your songs, Nothing to Show and we'd really like to use this as part of our coursework - with your permission :)

A requirement of the project is that we have to make 3 different pitches for the music video, one of which will go on to be filmed and produced. We'd like your input into which of the 3 you'd prefer us to use.

If you could give us a quick message back at some point soon - that would be awesome. Thanks in advance!

Emma, Lee & Paul.


The reason we chose the song..............was because it is catchy, it could have several meanings, and we could go in many directions with the narrative. The words could have several meanings, enabling us to make our text abstract, not face value. We all felt that we could get unusual and interesting images for the CD cover, magazine cover and website homepage; giving us the edge from other groups.

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