Thursday 4 March 2010

Stills of Music Video

Finally, after about a billion years of planning and trying to sort out a time when both the actors were free; and then having to make a compromise with a boy playing the girl character; effectively creating a music video about a homosexual relationship, we have filmed our film.
The stills below are key scenes in the video:

This is the first shot we see of the man. We tried to create a sense of isolation and loneliness with the tall dominating trees, and a long deserted path into the unknown; also the fact that he is a lone figure quite small in a big setting promotes this idea.

At this point, the singer is well on his way to forgetting the boy, but like everything, to forget we have to remember. So in this scene we are travelling with him through his memories.
The angling of the shot is to allow us to do split screen.

This shot uses the road with the vanishing point. We plan to have Jack disappear half way through Alec’s walk to show that the man is nearly ready to move on from him.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Emma
    Your selections of stills and commentary show an excellent reflection on your production ideas.
    Mrs M
