Thursday 4 March 2010

Location Planning

Armed with a camera, we ventured out into the bitter cold winters air in search of locations we wished to film in.

This path lined with trees was perfect for the metaphorical road/journey we wanted our singer to embark upon. Its positioning was isolated (except the lovely woman and her dog we can see in the background, but fortunately she wasn’t a permanent feature), and it was only a short walk from college

This bridge is meant to represent how the man/singer is running away or over looking his problems; the boy being his problem, hence why he is walking over the bridge to get away from his lover. It also adds to his journey; though the railings either side are keeping him ‘in’ showing that he is still confined to a set track, even though it is a different one to the one he was following.

The over grown hedging at both sides of the fences are meant to portray the singer blocking the boy from his mind. Hence the fences are barriers for keeping thoughts of him at bay; as he has refused to join him on his journey, and he feels he has to leave.

This road- though not easily seen in this photo- has a vanishing point. In this location we plan to have the man walking into frame representing a new beginning

1 comment:

  1. Hello Emma
    Excellent work on locations for your video!
    Mrs M
