Sunday 24 January 2010

I have been looking up transitions from other music videos to get inspiration and ideas for ours.
So far I have found a couple that feature the transitions which we want to use. Katie Melua's 'Nine Million Bicycles' uses transitions like we want. For example, when she is dragged under a table, she emerges the other side in a different place to the one she started in.

Another example is the opening sequence to Doc Martin. The camera passes infront of rocks and cliffs, leading to different locations.

The Pet Shop Boys in their song 'Go West' have a section (1:14- 1:20 seconds) where the use of a flag creates a transition to another shot.
Take That's 'Patience' has the theme of a journey, which links to our theme, also the deserted places they walk through

The Next Tv Advert 2009, also features transitions like i want:

1 comment:

  1. Hello Emma
    You have found some very useful examples to show your ideas through research of a wide range of texts.
    Mrs M
