Friday 17 July 2009

Life as a Greek God- Script

Act 1 [2 minutes]
Scene 1:
Antonios- I’m Rick Aphrodite, I’m 17, and I’m a Greek god.
(Titles made up of found footage) [30 seconds]

Scene 2:
(Rick walking round talking to the sky)
Rachel- Tell us about yourself.
Antonios- Well...what can I say? I live with my family, got to things everyday humans do really....
Rachel- (cutting in) I mean what makes you special compared to others?
Antonios- I was getting to that part! I was about 14 when the Gods bestowed their gift upon me. I felt hole again.
Rachel- What is this power exactly?
Antonios-They made me a god!
Rachel- Can u elaborate on that?
Antonios- No.
Rachel- O K.....What is the response you receive from others when you tell them about your good fortune?
Antonios- .......they......I think...see me as a question please

Scene 3:
Rachel- You go to college don’t you?
(Shots of Rick walking through college)
Antonios- Yes
Rachel-Do you like college?
Antonios-It’s satisfactory. I feel that I’m not living up to my potential there though. The classes are just too simple, the people nevertheless are lovely! I get along with them all so well.
Rachel-How do u feel you’re treated there?
Antonios-I’m respected a lot. People love me. They listen, and take my advice to’s like I was saying just yesterday, to build a stable community you need someone who can hold all the occupants together like glue-
(Merges sound/talking with next shot)
Antonios- I am that glue! And I would like to thank each and every one of you, for voting me in to be the chairman of this wonderful student council-
(Shot of Rick speaking, then zooms out to see the student council isn’t listening)
Antonios-OI!! LISTEN TO ME!! (ß Elaborate!)
(Cut back to interview)
Antonios- I consider myself to be a calm cool headed sensible person. My fellow students often turn to me for advice and support.

Scene 4:
(Antonios is walking round the field in circles talking in Greek to the sky, the diegetic sound stops and Rachel begins the voice over)
Rachel- But our mighty God Rick also has an equal. In this case it’s a Goddess……Demetria.
(Rick and Demetria walking down the corridor holding hands)
(voice over)
Antonios- As soon as I saw her, standing there, I knew there was something about her….I HAD to have her!! No mortal man would stop me! No one.
(Rick and Demetria sitting in the interview room, Rick has his arm round her all ‘loved up’)
Antonios- I walked over there to her using my favourite chat up line, she fell for it instantly. From that moment on, we were inseparable.
Rachel- What was this chat up line, hey rick?! (Laughs)
(Demetria blushes)
Antonios- well……do you want me to tell it? Or you? (Rick has a cheesy smile)
(Demetria laughs)
Antonios- as I said, I strolled up to her, winked, and said “Hey, I like your outfit”. She blushed and replied with “awhh really?!” So I then replied with “well...apart from your heart...” I think I offended her at that point because she kinda screamed at me “WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY HEART!!!” But even though, most people would have thought at this point they’d had blown it with such a beautiful girl, (looks and smiles at Demetria) I calmly replied “I’m not in it.” And the rest is ancient history...(chuckles to himself) ...get it ancient...history...I’m a god. (Demetria bursts out laughing hysterically) She loves my sense of humour...(Smug grin).

Act 2
Scene 5:
Rachel-Demetria, that’s an unusual name, what does it mean?
Kat-Well....Rick chose the name for me- (Rachel cuts her off)
Rachel-So Demetria’s not your real name?
Rachel-so....what is your real name then?
Kat- um....Rick says that once you become a God, you should leave your human ties behind you...
Rachel-Oh come onnnnn!! You know you want to!!
Kat-OK...But you have to promise that he won’t find out...its __________
Rachel-Oh, that’s what does you ‘new’ name mean?
Kat-Goddess of fertility...
Rachel-Oh...that’s good I guess (nervous laugh)

Scene 6:
Rachel-How long have you been a God?
Kat-About 2 years now. It’s brilliant!! Rick makes me feel so special. If he wasn’t a God, then he’d still be one to me. He makes me laugh so much; he told me this joke... (Bursts out into hysterical laughter with ‘sorry’ slipped in between breaths)
Rachel-Have you recovered yet? (Slightly laugh)
Kat-Yes, sorry about that! (Make-up slightly smudged)
Rachel- What do you do you and Rick do for entertainment?
Kat-If it was up to me- which it always is, as he lets me chose where and what we do!!- I’d go partying every night!-which I also do. My favourite thing to do is go out and get hammered each night. Rick is trying to discourage me from doing this, arguing that it’s ‘not what Gods do’ (hand bunny things) But I don’t think that I shall be stopping any time soon!!

(Cut to Demetria and Rick at a party; Demetria has a bottle of drink in her hand, while Rick has a glass of wine. Demetria is drunk, and Rick is tipsy)

Scene 7:
(Rick and Demetria are standing in a front room; Rick has his arm around Demetria. She is swaying dangerously.) NO DUBBED SOUND
(Throughout this scene, Demetria is on the verge of falling over, and does so right at the end. Rick looks on lovingly, but embarrassed at the same time)

Kat-Woo yea! This is the life! It’s the cherry on top of ... (gets distracted)...ooooo a pretty light!!
Rachel (to Rick)-Is she always like this?
Antonios- Yes, sometimes worse. She can be so adorable though when she’s like this.

(Kat is seen running towards the camera laughing and screaming, dubbed sound)

Rachel: (Voice over.) At this point I decided to leave the couple to enjoy their night together. But the cameras stayed to follow the night’s events…

(Demetria and Rick are seen arguing because she “too drunk”)

Antonios (raised voice) - why do you always have to go and ruin the night! ...You really think that this is Godly behaviour?...I don’t care if you only had one bottle…I don’t know why I bother!!!

(Demetria keeps trying to talking but can’t because Rick shouts her down)

(Rick storms off, with Demetria slumping onto the floor bursting out crying)

( Cut to Demetria sitting on the floor, she is clearly upset, to begin with she is hysterical but then slowly calms down but becomes angry ready to talk to the camera)

Demetria- Do you know why I have stuck by Rick! Do you really want to know?! … Well DO YOU?! …Rick is not what it makes out to be… I just can’t keep quiet any longer…I just can’t…Rick is… Rick is… he is a woman ALRIGHT!!!...

(Fades to next shot)

Scene 8
(Rick is seen sitting in the interview room with his head in his hands)

Rick-…I just can’t believe it…I didn't think in a million centuries she would betray me like this…I thought I could trust her…she was the one…she is the one…

(Fades black with subtitles “ A little while later”)

Rick- I think I'm ready to talk… I have been hiding this secret for about 3 years now, since I moved into the area. I used to be bullied for looking too masculine. So I decided once I moved here I would become a “man”. I do still take on my female roll at home. I like to dress up in pretty dresses and put make up on. In my process of becoming a man, I decided it would only be right to change my name as well. But I did not what to loose the old me … so when I became a male I swapped my first and last name around, and therefore becoming Rick Aphrodite instead of Aphrodite Rick.

Act 3
Scene 9

(Fades to black again, with subtitles six months later)

(Rick is seen walking down the road, dubbed sound)

Rachel (voice over)- I decided to go back and visit Rick to see how he was getting on and whether he had sorted things out with Demetria.


(Rick and Demetria are sitting in the interview room)

Rick- Well six months! A lot has happened! After a quick break I and Demetria are now back together, stronger than ever! ...We are even engaged!

(Demetria giggles happily)

Rick- She has helped me to overcome being transsexual… I feel like a weight has been lifted of my shoulders. I do not care what others think about think about my “secret”. I am just going to focus on being a God again!

(Titles with different shots similar to opening titles)

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