Monday 16 November 2009

We've been in contact with our band, but sadly they can't meet us, so we've had to send them our pitches via email.
In their reply, they said that they liked the idea of 'the break up' but they would prefer it if some aspects of 'the Abstract' pitch could be incorporated into the final idea.

The band especially liked one of Lee's sample pictures:

They asked if we could do something like this but with the theme of 'the break up'. Fitz liked the way that only some body parts showed through the balls, giving the impression that either someones hiding (hiding from their ex-partner) or something/ones buried (burying the past).

A picture they also liked was:

They said they liked the background, and how the black changes to grey. Fitz said that it represented how a person might feel after a relationship has ended.
So, now we know what the band want, we can finally start working on the final product.

Monday 9 November 2009

We have finally come up with our three pitches. To begin with we were planning to go down a completely different route with our ideas; by this I mean we were going to base our pitches on certain aspects of the song, be it words like ‘lonely’ or feelings like ‘trapped’. But we felt our designs for the pitches didn’t really represent the song to its full potential.
Instead of us all trying to come up with the same pitch, we decided to do one each, and after long deliberation we settled on doing two pitches that symbolized a literal representation of the song, but from different view points, and the third pitch to be abstract, while still with our theme of relationships. My pitch is ‘The Break Up’, while Paul’s is ‘The Make-up’ and Lee’s is abstract. To come up with ideas for my pitch I listened to the song again and then searched the internet for pictures that I could use- using key words- to show where I was thinking of going with it. For example;

With this picture I liked how the background was faded into two different pictures, and the theme of dull sombre colours; which I thought could be good representation for how the man may be feeling after his break up.

After doing this, I put together a short leaflet with my ideas, so I could refer back to it while presenting the pitch.

With all of our pitches done we need to try and find a time when we can pitch our ideas to our band.